Ladislav Furi

Company name :

Ladislav Furi

Address : J.G.Tajovskeho 76
City / Post code : Dvory nad Žitavou 94131
Country : Slovakia
Phone / Mobile : +421 908 320 442
E-mail :
Web site :
Contact person : Ladislav Furi - Owner
VAT Reg No : SK1072462138
Type of company : Producer / Manufacturer
Company activity : Coffee table, Other service, Flooring - multilayered, Other product, Flooring, parquet, Interior door, Built-in cabinet, Bathroom set, Garden bridge, Fence, Pergola, Gazebo, Garden cottage, Garden set, Table, Dining room table, Firewood, briquettes, Table, Bedside table, Kitchen table, Kitchen cabinets, Table, Computer desk, Office table, Bedroom furniture, Office furniture, Children and student furniture, Bathroom furniture, Garden furniture, Hallway and vestibule furniture, Hardwood, Softwood
Business communication : Slovak, Czech
Regional orientation of business : Czech Republic, Slovakia
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